
Which Of The Following Statements Are True Regarding Joining Data Sets Prior To Upload

This article explains to the SQL Union and vs Marriage All operators in SQL Server. We will likewise explore the difference betwixt these two operators along with various use cases.

SQL Matrimony Operator Overview

In the relational database, we stored data into SQL tables. Sometimes we demand to Select data from multiple tables and combine result set of all Select statements. Nosotros use the SQL Union operator to combine two or more than Select statement consequence gear up.

The syntax for the SQL Union operator

We demand to take care of following points to write a query with the SQL Union Operator.

  • Both the Select argument must have the same number of columns
  • Columns in both the Select statement must have compatible data types
  • Column Order must as well lucifer in both the Select argument
  • Nosotros tin can ascertain Group By and Having clause with each Select statement. It is not possible to use them with the result set
  • We cannot use Order By clause with individual Select argument. Nosotros tin can utilize it with consequence set generated from the Marriage of both Select statements

In the following screenshot, we can understand the SQL UNION operator using a Venn diagram.

  • Table A having values 1,2,3,four
  • Tabular array B having values 3,four,five,vi

If nosotros apply SQL Union operator betwixt these two tables, we get the post-obit output.

Output: 1, 2, 3,4,5,6

SQL Union vs Union All - SQL Union operator

In my instance, TableA and TableB both contain value 3 and four. In the output, we do not go duplicate values. We get only i row for each duplicate value. It performs a Singled-out operation across all columns in the result set.

Let look at this with another example. For this example, I created two tables Employee_F and Employee_M in sample database AdventureWorks2017 database.

Execute following script for Employee_F table

Execute following script for Employee_M table

Both the tables practice not contains whatsoever indistinguishable rows in each other tables. Let us execute following Union statement.

Both the tables do not have duplicate rows. Therefore, we get all records from both tables in the output of SQL Union operator. It contains ten records in the output.

SQL Union vs Union All - Example of SQL Union operator

Permit u.s. create some other table that contains duplicate rows from both the tables.

Now, nosotros will use the SQL Matrimony operator between three tables. We should notwithstanding get ten records because [Employee_All] contains records that already exist in Employee_M and Employee_F table.

In the following image, you tin see a Wedlock of these iii tables exercise non contain any duplicate values.

SQL Union operator

SQL Spousal relationship All Operator Overview

The SQL Union All operator combines the issue of two or more Select statement similar to a SQL Union operator with a difference. The just difference is that it does not remove any duplicate rows from the output of the Select statement.

The syntax for SQL Union All operator

Let us rerun the previous examples with SQL Union All operator.

In the following epitome, you tin see Output of both SQL Matrimony vs Union All operators. SQL Union All return output of both Select statements. It does not remove any overlapping rows.

SQL Union All operator

If the tables exercise not take whatever overlapping rows, SQL Union All output is similar to SQL Union operator.

We can see post-obit output of SQL Spousal relationship All output of Employee_M and Employee_F tables.

Example of SQL Union All operator

Now, rerun the query with three tables Employee_M and Employee_F and Employee_All tables. We got 10 records in output of SQL Union between these 3 tables. Each table contains 5 records. We should get xv rows in the output of Union All operator on these tables.

Example of SQL Union All operator

SQL Spousal relationship Vs Matrimony All Operator


Wedlock All

It combines the result set from multiple tables with eliminating the duplicate records

It combines the consequence fix from multiple tables without eliminating the duplicate records

Information technology performs a singled-out on the consequence fix.

Information technology does not perform distinct on the result prepare

Nosotros need to specify Union operator

We need to specify Union All Operator

SQL Union All gives better operation in query execution in comparison to SQL Union

It gives amend functioning in comparison with SQL Wedlock Operator

Execution plan difference in SQL Marriage vs Union All operator

We become better query functioning one time we combine the result prepare of Select statement with SQL Union All operator. We can look at the difference using execution plans in SQL Server.

Annotation : In this article, I am using ApexSQL Program, a SQL query execution plan viewer to generate an execution plan of Select statements.

The execution plan for the SQL Union Operator

The execution plan for the SQL Union Operator

We can click on Sort operator, and it shows Singled-out – True.

  1. It gets the data individual Select argument
  2. SQL Server does a Concatenation for all of the data returned by Select statements
  3. It performs a distinct operator to remove duplicate rows

The execution plan for the SQL Union Operator

The execution plan for SQL Union All operator

The execution plan for SQL Union All operator

In the execution plan of both SQL Matrimony vs Union All, we can meet the following difference.

  • SQL Union contains a Sort operator having cost in overall batch operators
  • Sort operator could exist more expensive if we work with large data sets

Order By clause in SQL Union vs Union All clause

We cannot apply the Order by clause with each Select argument. SQL Server tin perform a sort in the last result set simply.

Permit'southward try to use Guild by with each Select argument.

We become the following error message. It gives a "incorrect syntax" error message.

Error message

The valid query to sort result using Order by clause in SQL Wedlock operator is as follows.

We get the post-obit output with issue prepare sorted by JobTitle column.

Order by clause and Union

Combination of SQL Union vs Matrimony All in a Select argument

Nosotros can use SQL Union vs Union All in a Select argument. Suppose we want to perform the following activities on our sample tables.

  • Consequence Fix A= UNION betwixt [Employee_F] and [Employee_All]
  • Result Set= Union All between [Employee_M] and Result Gear up A

In the following query, nosotros use parentheses to perform Union between [Employee_F] and [Employee_All] tables. SQL Server runs the query inside parentheses so performs Union All between effect gear up and [Employee_M] table.

We can understand it easily with execution plan. In the following screenshot, we tin see the Actual Execution plan.

Pace 1: Concatenation data (SQL Spousal relationship) between Employee_F and Employee_All table.

Pace ii: Chain data (SQL Union All) between Employee_M and Step one output.

Combination of SQL Union and SQL Union All in a Select statement


In this article, we compared SQL Matrimony vs Union All operator and viewed examples with use cases. I promise you found this article helpful. Feel free to provide feedback in the comments below.

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Rajendra Gupta


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