
How To Upload Website Heroku

Heroku Hosting: Put Your Website on the Cloud

Get your angular.js website on the internet with Heroku. Write a Node.js backend, use the command line, and more!

          <!-- Bundle.json -->
- This file holds the metadata for our awarding.
- All metadata is held within a JSON object.
- This likewise holds the dependencies that npm install will download.
<!-- Dorsum-Terminate Files -->
- package.json
- Procfile
- server.js
          <!-- More on Heroku Command Line-->
<!-- What are Node.js, Express, and Procfile? -->
Node.js - a platform that allows us to write our back-finish in JavaScript
Express.js - a Node.js framework that makes writing our back-end easier
Procfile - allows united states to declare what commands should be run by Herkou - here nosotros are running a web application with Node.js that starts with the server.js file.


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